Collaborative Project Management
  Download CR RemoteAccess

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EGI Central Repository (CR) provides a simple, all-in-one online portal solution for accessing and sharing files between friends, coworkers and project team members.
CR provides two major collaborative data repository functions.
  • CR Project Space has an easy-to-use security framework for you to securely share files with others on a project-by-project basis.
  • CR File Repository enables you and your trusted contacts to upload and share selected files and folders of your local machines.
You can also silently synchronize or backup your local folders to the Central Repository such that you can always access these files securely.
CR has a Search Engine for you to quickly locate your needed knowledge from thousands of uploaded files. And you can access these files anywhere, anytime using your secured username and password as long as you have access to a Web browser connected to the Internet.
CR not only gives you the peace of mind in case of file loss, but it is a practical knowledgebase tool enabling you and your team members to access, search and share projects and files on your distributed machines.
License: Free for Standard service; $9.95 to upgrade (Buy it now)
System requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7.
Other requirements: You need a CR user account to use CR RemoteAccess and RemoteSync (Register now)
Limitations: No limitation
Date added: November 18, 2008
Version: 1.7.011
Download CR RemoteAccess and RemoteSync enables you to:
» Access files on your desktop and laptop computers from anywhere, anytime
» Share files securely with friends and coworkers
» Remote backup machines and synchronize data between them
* You now may just run CR RemoteAccess without downloading.
Installing CR RemoteAccess
  1. After release 1.6, you may run CR RemoteAccess without downloading or installing the application. To do that click RemoteAccess and choose Open.
  2. However, if you want to use RemoteSync as a Windows service to automatically backup and synchronize selected files and folders, then you must download the ZIP file and follow the instructions below.
  3. If you choose to download RemoteAccess and RemoteSync on your computer, select SAVE after you click the DOWNLOAD NOW Button above and save the WinZIP file ( onto your local machine.
  4. Unzip the saved anywhere you want to place it, or you may put it on C:\
  5. The following is the folder structure after unzip:
          (wherever installed)/RemoteSync
                                    +--- bin
                                    +--- classes
                                    +--- logs
  1. RemoteAccess is located in the bin folder. Follow the below section on Running CR RemoteAccess to run the program.
  2. NOTE: to run RemoteSync as a Windows service to automatically and quietly backup your local folders/files, you must first run RemoteAccess and select the folders and files to upload for Remote Backup.
  3. To setup RemoteSync as an automated service, follow the instruction in the below section on Setup CR RemoteSync as Windows Service
Running CR RemoteAccess
  1. You need Java SE 1.6 Runtime (free from Javasoft) to run RemoteAccess and RemoteSync. Click here to verify or download Java SE.
  2. Simply double-click on RemoteAccess.jar to start the Windows application.
  3. Enter your CR Username and Password (Note: you need a CR user account in order to use RemoteAccess or RemoteSync). If you don't yet have a CR user account, click Register for CR to choose a service account before continuing.
  4. Click either the Upload or Download tab to perform the corresponding actions.
  5. To upload files from your desktop to the CR online file repository, click the Upload tab.
  6. Select an Upload Option. You may either upload to the CR project/task areas, or uploading for remote backup of your local machine.
  7. Use the left-hand-side panel to specify the folders you want to upload. Press down the SHIFT key when checking or unchecking the checkbox will select/deselect all the subfolders.
  8. When you are done specifying the upload folders, click Save Change.
  9. Click the Upload button to start the upload on demand. Upload will only affect the modified files since your last upload action.
  10. When upload is done, goto and logon to CR online to see your files.
  11. To download files from CR online File Repository to your local machine, click the Download tab in RemoteAccess.
  12. Use the left-hand-side panel to specify the files you want to download.
  13. Use the right-hand-side panel to specify the destination folder you want to place the downloaded files.
  14. Click the Download button to start the download.
Setup CR RemoteSync as Windows Service
  1. Download and install RemoteAccess as describe above (see above Section on Installing CR RemoteAccess).
  2. You must have a CR user account to run RemoteSync or RemoteAccess. Goto the CR website to register a free user account.
  3. You must first run RemoteAccess to select the folders/files on your local machine that you want to Remote Backup so that RemoteSync will automatically backup these files.
  4. To setup RemoteSync as a Windows service, go to the bin folder shown above and use DOS command prompt to run setup.bat. This will install and start RemoteSync as a background backup service.
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