- After release 1.6, you may run CR RemoteAccess without downloading
or installing the application. To do that click
RemoteAccess and choose Open.
- However, if you want to use RemoteSync as a Windows service to
automatically backup and synchronize selected files and folders, then
you must download the ZIP file and follow the instructions below.
- If you choose to download RemoteAccess and RemoteSync on your computer,
select SAVE after you click the DOWNLOAD NOW Button above and save the
WinZIP file (RemoteSync.zip) onto your local machine.
- Unzip the saved RemoteSync.zip anywhere you want to place it, or you
may put it on C:\
- The following is the folder structure after unzip:
(wherever installed)/RemoteSync
+--- bin
+--- classes
+--- logs
- RemoteAccess is located in the bin folder. Follow the below
section on Running CR RemoteAccess to run the program.
- NOTE: to run RemoteSync as a Windows service to automatically
and quietly backup your local folders/files, you must first run
RemoteAccess and select the folders and files to upload for
Remote Backup.
- To setup RemoteSync as an automated service, follow the instruction
in the below section on Setup CR RemoteSync as Windows Service